Marilyn’s Man
“Until now, everything you knew about Marilyn Monroe
has been rumors and conjecture. from start to finish,
Marilyn’s Man is all facts and no fiction.”
– LC Van Savage, Jim’s book writer/biographer
“She was a sweet sixteen baby bride, and I was just 21,
Norma Jeane was madly in love with me. She wrote me four love letters every day.”
– Jim Dougherty
“The film is simply riveting, with sexy cinematic style,
filled from start to finish with nostalgic hit songs, all of
which Marilyn loved.”
– Anthony Guyther, Vintage Vinyl Records
“A classical love story, like Lancelot and Guinevere, Anthony
and Cleopatra, and certainly Rodin and Camille Claudelle.”
– Janet Cain, Cain Art
Written/Produced/Directed by Schani Krug